
happy bamboo

For many exciting reasons we've decided to pick up the hard core sport of yoga. Our process began this morning with our very first hatha vinyasa 'basic' class, located in a beautiful studio 33 stories above the bustling streets of Shueng Wan (pictures coming soon). The class itself turned out to be a perfect fit- challenging but managable, and encouraged us to return soon. Misha's yoga pants, however, weren't exactly what he'd term 'the perfect fit', as he discovered about 30 seconds in to Warrior 1 pose. His super short nylon swim trunks just weren't cutting it, or were cutting it, if you catch my drift. Alas, this prompted a hunt for a new yoga outfit. We combed the mall, stopped into a few athletic-paraphenelia shops, and nearly settled on a $400 ($50 USD) pair of Puma pants. The yoga-outfit spirit wasn't with him, however, so the search continued on until nightfall, whereupon we came across a store that sold tons of women's athletic pants for only $39 ($5 USD). 2 hrs later, the tranformation was complete: Misha-the-YogaMaster was happy bambooing all over the apartment.


Anonymous said...

it seems your entire outfit is made of women's pants... is that the aneboda dresser i see in the distance?

Anonymous said...

i think that's actually a tank top in the first photo.

Anonymous said...

gaah! why do i never learn my lesson and use the "preview" option?! TUBE top, not tank top. ugh. sorry.