1) Mel was bitten on the leg by a Zombie. Luckily it looks as though she probably won't scar. Thank goodness.

2) We took part in a "Kirtan", a sort chanting ritual which the Yoga folks here host every now and then. It was neat, for one hour we sat with our eyes closed, sang, and clapped our way closer to enlightenment. I was partially in charge of video taping the event so I had a little trouble fully getting my Kirtan on (as they say), but overall it was a worthwhile experience. The best part was that we saw our Yoga teacher Franck - who turned out to be a student of our friend Tanya (who's also working at MERECL) - such a small Yoga world.

3) We went out Saturday night and got reacquainted with the night scene here. Again our yoga connections came in handy as we wound up at a bar/club owned by a guy who's married to a yoga teacher, who is friends with a different yoga teacher, who turned out to be our yoga teacher's teacher. Anyway, this place is the only establishment with a license to sell Absinthe. Mel and I split a glass, and, for two people who don't like licorice, we got most of the way through it. I drank most of it but didn't hallucinate. Our friends said you have to have at least 3 - I however decided I wasn't going to shell out for another two rounds of liquid licorice. Ah well, at least I did cut my ear off and give it to Mel... Get it? Like Van Gogh? Nevermind...

4) Found out two great things today: Firstly, Pizza Hut totally delivers to our door - we had a thin crust with Pepperoni, not the best pizza in the world, but a step up from the stuff at the grocery store that's all labeled "WESTERN BREAD" (I'm like, this isn't bread! It's a muffin). Secondly, the store literally two doors down which I thought sold movies is actually a video rental place (Shwing!) - I opened an account and we watched Gladiator tonight. It was better than I remembered. I'm so glad we live on Wang On Road.
Ok that's it, Wang On Garth!
1) what the hell kind of zombies are there running around wang on road? is mel okay?
2)om shanti shanti. who knew that the yoga teachers of hong kong were so well-connected? what is your favorite pose? mine's tree.
3) "Absinthe makes you crazy and criminal, provokes epilepsy and tuberculosis, and has killed thousands of French people. It makes a ferocious beast of man, a martyr of woman, and a degenerate of the infant, it disorganizes and ruins the family and menaces the future of the country." - barnaby conrad, in "absinthe history in a bottle"
4)tell us more about packaging at the grocery store.
wang on to you, too.
What you need to do is offer the Zombie absynth and usually they leave you alone after that.
in the style of rebecca:
1) i am unclear about what is actually shown in the photo of the zombie bite. i see two discolorations and a red, possibly itchy area. i need more details please.
2) if you can't get your kirtan on during intermittently hosted yoga rituals, at least you are getting your wang on all the time and with little effort, it seems. good on you.
3) rebecca's description of absinthe seems remarkably similar to what was historically about masturbation. now what if you did both at once? clearly the zombies would come after you, wangs on and a-blazin'.
oops, an edit to 3), above:
"...what was historically WRITTEN about masturbation."
it's actually a myth that absinthe will make you hallucinate - especially modern absinthe which, even when "legit", contains only a trivial amount of the quasi-poisonous Wormwood to which supposed hallucinations are attributed. some trivia: our modern day "vermouth" comes from the word "wormwood" - the original martini contained liquor made from it.
seriously, i don't know why i know all this stuff, it's really kind of disturbing...
anyway props to you for downing the 'sinthe (i decided that's what the cool kids call it); i had a shot or two of it around this time last yr and it was pretty much the worst thing i've ever tasted.
be safe and have fun guys, i like hearing about the far-east kookiness :)
p.s. Pizza Hut? oh no...
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