Hello again! Long time no poste. It's been more than a couple of weeks since we've updated the blog, and we're now prepared to make up for it. Well, not exactly now. It's 2:36am, and we've just finished yet another episode of LOST ... OH did I forget to mention, Rich downloaded the first and second season and we're 16 hours in. I won't deny it, it's a pretty good show, and nothing is better than watching all of it back to back. No more pesky cliff hangers. Anyway, I've been saying over and over again to Mel that I'd update the blog, so as tired as I am, here is your update. It's only two days till Chinese New Year so we're going to have plenty of time to fill you in on everything that's happened. Here is a preview of posts to come:
1. Mel is now the proud owner of a small flowering tree.
2. I found Nirvana - It's between the 1st and 2nd floor in our apartment building.
3. Wii. That's all I'll say.
4. Inflatable Hammer - another one liner.
5. Richard is now our official "Svab (Shwab) Tamer" / "In House Baker"
That's the best I can do at a LOST type cliff hanger.
Lastly, and I can tell you about this now, I had a virtual make over. New website, new soon to be business cards... So I figured I'll let you have a look. The new site is at the same location
www.MichaelHighland.com , it's conceptual... let me know if it makes any sense. And, as I'm not going to the printer until Wednesday, here's a proof of my soon to be card. Mom, let me know if I spelled anything wrong. That goes for the website too.


Yeah. Freelance Badass. You read it right. That's the card I'm giving to Bill Clinton/Paul Simon/Kareem Abdul Jabbar when I meet him at TED. Go team.
1 comment:
your website is awesome. and bill and kareem will adore your business cards... i love the digital diptych. i am a shameless fan.
what i want to know about lost is, do you think there's some metaphysical component to it? like, this island is limbo/purgatory, and all of the people are stuck there until they work out their souls' issues? also, was the plane crash an accident or not? and also, why is there an operating room on a desert island?
(all this from someone who's never seen the show, because i am the world's biggest sissy).
ill email you about a phone date this weekend.
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