A bit belated, but much deserved, I wanted to thank everyone who extended their happy birthday wishes to me a few weeks back. Thanks for the phone calls (especially grandma!), facebook gifts (?!), and emails, it was so nice to hear from everyone when staying so far away... Special props to Bainbridge for their phone marathon, it was nice to talk to everyone all at once... made me invision a big happy family back at home.
As for what took place here, after tutoring all day I stumbled into our apt around 9pm, upon which I immediately heard the kitchen door slam shut and a jubilant, grinning Misha run out saying "Hello!" (silence, eyes cast towards suspicious kitchen door window) ... "What?" Turns out Rich was making me a cake. While this sounds totally normal- birthday comes, roommates back a double-deckered, 1/2 brownie 1/2 yellow cake, you know, the usual- the key detail here is we dont have an oven. Nor a microwave. Nor funfetti frosting. We've got 2 gas burners, a sink, and a big window. While I pondered over the mechanics of Rich's considerate caking endeavor, Misha distracted me with the large newspaper figurine hovering in the corner of our apartment. "Lady said to water it 2 times a week." Low and behold the newspaper figurine was actually a large, bonsai-ed, flowering plant that was just sprouting its first bright magenta bud. Piled below the bonsaid beauty were more newspaper gifties, including 2 art books, yoga pants (compliments of Mrs. Highland's speedy transglobal carepackaging skills), 10 boxes of our beloved Annie's Mac and Cheese (see aforementioned parenthetical), and a nice bottle of Remy Martin VSOP. To top everything off, after a delicious Italian feast from the local Poppy's, Rich presented his culinary masterpiece: