This is something that is really quite ubiquitous here, so I'm sure most people who have grown up here don't appreciate it. As far as I can tell all scaffolding here, whether for minor construction or the laying the foundation for a skyscraper, is made from bamboo. I'm not sure if this is common throughout Asia ( it very well maybe given the plenitude of bamboo) but here in Hong Kong it's everywhere. Not only is scaffolding made from bamboo, but it seems as though they tie it all together with a only very simple sort of lashing.
The building directly across from our apartment was recently under construction, and just a day or so ago they began removing the complex lattice of bamboo. This was a pretty amazing process, three or four men positioned themselves at varying heights along the scaffolding. The building they're working on is at least 20 stories, so I assume they were spaced about 5 stories apart.

Note: they weren't wearing harness or using any sort of safety system. They simply climbed up, or went down from the roof, and then began cutting segments of bamboo out from the top. They'd be standing on a piece one moment, then the next they'd be dropping it down to the man bellow. In a matter of hours they had disassembled 20+ stories of scaffolding using nothing more than exacto knives to cut the lashing. Anyway, took some pictures, I hope the scale of the construction is clear. I just wish these guys would build me a tree house...
you know what panda has for lunch?
If you have enough pictures of the bamboo scaffolds and how they're built, it probably wouldn't be too hard to reconstruct the geometry and lashing on your own.
That would be awesome.
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