Last night we went on an expedition to find a book store at one of the many local malls. Things went as they usually do, having not eaten all day we wandered the mall for hours looking for something to eat, finally we gave up and went to the really fancy Italian place on the top floor. By the time we had finished our meal, the mall was closed, so we went back again today and got the books. I just wanted to take a moment to comment on our meal. The food was actually some of the best Italian we've had since we got here, buffalo mozzarella is hard to find here, and this place had really yummy fresh stuff. The decor was nice, their wine selection seemed impressive enough...Only one thing bothered me about this overall very classy establishment. While mel had a view of the fine winery, the majority of my range of vision was occupied by the giant 10 foot projector screen hanging in the middle of the dining area. Restaurateurs here seem to think the more screens the better when it comes to interior design. We ate dinner at an Indian place last week which was screening soap operas set in feudal Japan.

Anyway, this Italian place, which shall go unnamed, had one of the largest screens I've seen indoors, and I really must say their choice in programming made the investment in the screen completely worthwhile. WWF. World Wrestling Federation -- literally large sweaty under clad men hitting each other (and the refs) with chairs. It complemented the San Pellegrino quite nicely.
were the wrestlers wearing women's yoga pants is what i would like to know?
p.s. if you think *that* italian is fancy you should talk to your sister about what kinds of pasta dishes she has in mind for you during your visit to the bay area next month--HA! note to rebecca: add san pellegrino to the shopping list for your event so Michael feels at "home" in berkeley. as home as hong kong can be at this point, anyway.
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