my sister rebecca wrote me this morning with a list of questions, ten in fact. I thought I'd answer them here, as they might as well be in the public domain.
1. i love your blog. i passed the url along to some folks who i thought would like it (dan, paul, my friend sarah). hope that's okay.
Of course it's ok. Pass it all around, we like to share adventures.
2. what is your address?
Flat A 21/F Victor Court, 14-28 Wang On Road, North Point Hong Kong.
We can definitely receive mail, I'm not sure about packages. I should check.
3. what is your vonage #? is that working? or not so much.
The number is 609-945-1722. Everything is working, except for the telephone we brought which is 110 voltage only. I'm scared if i plug it in it may suffer the same fate as the xbox (internal combustion). I should have it all set up by the end of the day.
4. rasonic should be the name of an evil video game villian.
It probably is. I'm sure Rasonic (the Electronics company) doesn't give a hoot about patents, copyright, or trademarking; as all their products are copies of Panasonics.
5. does mel have internet access, or is it mostly you running across the street to starbucks? is there a way i can ask her about the wedding website without being totally annoying?
We actually have internet in the apt now, I just got it all working yesterday. I think mel's almost done with the site, it should be up in a day or so.
6. my favorite subway station name is "prince edward." have you been there?
I've been through there, but I haven't been there, if you get my drift.
7. have you seen the movie "chinese box?" it is about hong kong. as i remember, it is extremely depressing. but maybe you would see the ikea or other meaningful landmarks in the background shots. and i think jeremy irons gets naked in it. not sure if that is a plus or minus...
We've actually seenJeremy Irons naked in front of Ikea twice already, but since I finally got all the TV related electronics working, maybe I'll check it out. There is a video store bellow the apt, it costs as much to buy a dvd here as it does to rent one at home. Sucks to your netflix.
8. what is the time difference there?
We're GMT+8. Which means 12 hours ahead of the east coast, which would be 15 hours ahead of California...But it's day light savings now, so maybe it's 16? I'm not sure exactly. All I know is it's 10:33am here.
9. are you working/schooling?
I went to school yesterday to register, but since I'm still waiting for the visa to go though I had little luck. It was nice to be on a school campus though. I met some other exchange students (real official ones) they were so much more clueless than I was, that felt good. Today I'm going to work. So both really.
10. do you miss your car?
Do I ever. The cars here are amazing, so many Skylines (I hope at least one person knows what that is) even the minivans are awesome (a post on that later). I've seen the Japanese version of my car a few times, it's so much nicer looking...Ah well. Did you know Hong Kong is the densest concentration of Rolls Royce's in the world?